・The 1st SREC Management Meeting(Hokkaido University)
Representatives from the consortium companies, Hokkaido University, and Kyushu University gathered to discuss the overall activity plan, lecture content to be provided by the universities, and lectures to be offered by the consortium companies.
・Special LectureⅠ on Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering (Hokkaido University)

Students from Kyushu University stayed at Hokkaido University and attended special lectures. During the special lecture, keynote lectures were provided by professors who are active in the field of natural resources from around the world. The keynote lectures were streamed in real time so that consortium companies could also participate.
・Special LectureⅠ on Cooperative Program for Resources System(Hokkaido University)

Consortium members who are active on the front lines of resource-related companies, trading companies, and civil engineering and construction-related companies gave lectures in an omnibus format. In addition to cutting-edge technology and market trends, they also introduced the history and corporate culture of each company, providing a valuable opportunity for students..
・Human Resources exchange seminar(Hokkaido University)

This lecture was designed to improve communication and presentation skills through discussions and presentations among students on the latest topics in geo-resources engineering. During the presentation of the final results, not only students but also people from the consortium companies participated and gave their opinions from a practical viewpoint. It was a valuable opportunity for students to discuss with people who are active in society.
・International Field exercise

The students were sent on an overseas internship program for about one month to improve their communication skills for international activities and to understand and experience geological field surveys and the actual conditions of mine operations. This year, students were dispatched to Australia and Greece, and consortium companies that have offices in the destination countries also provided us with opportunities to visit them and observe on-site operations.
・The 2nd SREC Management Meeting(Kyushu University)
・Special LectureⅡ on Cooperative Program for Resources System(Kyushu University)
・Special LectureⅡ on Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering(Kyushu University)
・Special LectureⅢ on Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering(Kyushu University)
・Tokyo Interim Report Meeting(JICA)